The smell of panic at Media Matters is palpable. Here’s the frantic
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In a strongly worded letter, Niger Innis, National Spokesperson for Congress of Racial Equality, chastised Angelo Carusone for his continued use of racist, antisemitic and anti-gay “politics of personal destruction.” Read Niger Innis’ powerful rebuke of Carusone
Continue readingThe smell of panic at Media Matters is palpable. Here’s the frantic headline leading the MM website: Fox News is practically begging Trump to fire Mueller The story begins: “Fox News’ prime-time block of programming these days is extremely dark. The network’s evening hosts have been in a highly agitated state, filling the airwaves with grave warnings about totalitarianism, covert subversion by anti-democratic forces, and midnight raids on the quiet homes of unsuspecting citizens. This churning miasma of corruption and menace is sourced to a single nefarious person whose scheming — if left unchecked — could undermine civil society and pose a threat to the very fabric of American democracy itself. That person is special counsel Robert Mueller.” The reality is that the only thing becoming “completely unhinged” is Media
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